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The 7 benefits of educational games for learning Natural Sciences

In the journey that is education, Natural Sciences make up a fascinating field where students explore the secrets of the world around them. Incorporating Game-Based Learning into this subject is not only innovative, but also offers a number of benefits.

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In this article, we delve into some of the advantages of using educational games in the natural sciences, exploring how they make use of the dynamism inherent in this subject.

What are the advantages of Science games?

1. Interactive exploration and realistic simulations

In science, games allow students to immerse themselves in a virtual environment, exploring ecosystems, habitats and natural phenomena. What's more, this type of realistic simulation leads students to experience natural events that are impossible in real life and to understand dynamic processes such as climate change or natural cycles.

In this context, the natural sciences classroom is a virtual laboratory where students and teachers can see nature "happening", which provides a more complete and integrated understanding.

2. Developing observation and problem-solving skills

Natural science games encourage students to hone their observation, identification and analysis skills. The act of virtually examining plants, animals and natural processes develops in students a solid foundation for future investigations.

Speaking of analysis, the fact that this type of game confronts students with contextualized scientific challenges and problems encourages them to solve problems in the natural sciences, combining critical thinking with practical learning.

Screenshot of the game "Microscopy" from Module 6 of Natural Sciences. In the image, a simulation of looking through a microscope.
Game: Microscopy | Natural Sciences Module 6 | Kendir Studios

3. Exploring biodiversity

Game-Based Learning allows for an exploration of biodiversity that is not always possible in the classroom. In this way, students can understand the complexity of nature and the interconnectedness between species - an interaction that fosters a greater appreciation for the diversity of life on Earth. Making learning an engaging and enjoyable exploration increases students' motivation in the context of the subject.

4. Independence and continuous improvement

It's not the first time we've discussed the advantages of immediate feedback in educational games on this blog. This range of benefits is still valid when applied to science.

The fact that games offer immediate feedback on students' decisions encourages continuous improvement. The fact that the player immediately corrects their mistakes in the context of the game promotes a fearless approach to scientific challenges, making learning more efficient and independent. Studies say that this phenomenon influences the student's belief that they can learn on their own and succeed in the subject.

Screenshot of the game "Race of a Lifetime", from Module 4 of Natural Sciences. The image simulates the path of a sperm in the process of human reproduction.
Game: Race of a Lifetime | Natural Sciences Module 4 | Kendir Studios

5. Potential for nurturing Natural Science knowledge in younger students

Given that Game-Based Learning is seen as an interesting and attractive approach by students, younger children can also benefit from it. If the games are designed with the age group in mind, it is possible to cultivate an interest in the natural sciences from an early age.

6. Better learning results

The aforementioned benefits culminate in one: improved learning, which is reflected in students' academic achievements. From primary to secondary school, there are several studies that show improved retention of knowledge when students are allowed to explore it through the virtual environment of an educational video game.

7. Alone or with

In Game-Based Learning, collaboration between students is often highlighted for its ability to promote soft skills, such as leadership and teamwork. However, the player who explores alone also reaps relevant benefits.

In the context of Natural Sciences, studies say that there are no major differences in terms of learning effectiveness between the two methods. However, one thing is certain: when the teacher creates spaces to reconcile the two methods, educational games generate significantly better results!

In short, game-based learning offers a dynamic and engaging approach to natural science lessons. By virtually exploring the natural world, students not only absorb knowledge, but also cultivate a lasting passion for scientific exploration. These are the seeds of the scientific future, planted in the fertile soil of educational games!


  1. Hussein, M. H., Ow, S. H., Cheong, L. S., Thong, M. K., & Ebrahim, N. A. (2019). Effects of digital game-based learning on elementary science learning: A systematic review. IEEE Access, 7, 62465-62478.

  2. Li, M. C., & Tsai, C. C. (2013). Game-based learning in science education: A review of relevant research. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22, 877-898.

  3. Meluso, A., Zheng, M., Spires, H. A., & Lester, J. (2012). Enhancing 5th graders’ science content knowledge and self-efficacy through game-based learning. Computers & Education, 59(2), 497-504.

  4. Wang, M., & Zheng, X. (2021). Using game-based learning to support learning science: A study with middle school students. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30, 167-176.

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