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8 ways to use Digital Educational Resources to transform your classes

In an increasingly technology-driven world, teachers and educators can harness the power of digital tools to transform the classroom experience. The COVID-19 pandemic popularized remote learning and proved that Digital Educational Resources not only make learning more engaging but also empower teachers to create dynamic and interactive lessons.

What are Digital Educational Resources

Digital Educational Resources are digitally formatted tools designed for pedagogical purposes, i.e., for use in education. Examples of Digital Educational Resources include videos, games, apps, podcasts, infographics, and even presentation slides.

What are the advantages of using Digital Educational Resources?

The use of Digital Educational Resources comes with a range of significant advantages that enhance the overall quality of the educational process and take your students beyond the four walls of the classroom. Among these advantages is the ease of access and sharing of these tools and their customization, which facilitates tailored teaching for each student.

In addition to more active learning, certain resources – like educational games – even provide immediate feedback on students' performance, allowing the teacher to understand the class's achievements and needs. Flexibility in schedules, remote collaboration, and time and resource savings – contributing to environmental sustainability – are also notable benefits.

Among teachers, Digital Educational Resources are highly valued, including for their motivational effects on students, who become more engaged and participative in the presence of these tools.

How to use Digital Educational Resources in the classroom

1. Educational websites and apps: self-paced learning

The internet is a vast catalog of websites and apps designed for various subjects and levels of education. Platforms like Khan Academy, Duolingo, and Coursera offer interactive lessons, quizzes, and activities that students can explore at their own pace. These resources provide additional learning opportunities and adapt to different learning styles.

2. Data analysis and visualization: developing analytical skills

Teaching data analysis and visualization equips students with valuable skills for the modern world. With these tools, students can collect, analyze, and present data, reinforcing mathematical and scientific concepts while enhancing critical analytical skills. By teaching this skill, teachers prepare their students for a world where data literacy is essential.

3. Gamification: making learning fun

Gamification is a pedagogical strategy that incorporates game elements into learning, making it engaging and enjoyable. Educational games and gamified platforms motivate students through challenges, competitions, and rewards, activating intrinsic motivation for learning. This results in more engaged students willing to invest time and effort to achieve educational goals.

In addition to motivation, gamification promotes active learning, where students participate in knowledge construction. Here, students make decisions, solve problems, and collaborate with other players, complemented by the immediate feedback provided by games.

Captura de ecrã do Módulo 6 de Matemática
Mathematics - Module 6 | Game: "Elevado às Damas"

4. Digital storytelling: sparking creativity

Digital storytelling encourages students to express themselves through multimedia presentations, videos, animations, and more. These projects improve communication skills, promote creativity, and empower students to demonstrate their understanding of a topic in innovative ways.

For group assignments, digital tools like Google Docs, Google Slides, and Microsoft Office Online make teamwork easier than ever, encouraging students to collaborate in real-time.

5. Video lectures and tutorials: visualizing complex concepts

Video lectures and tutorials are excellent tools for explaining complex concepts or offering supplementary content. Teachers can create their own video content or select resources from platforms like YouTube and dedicated educational websites. Videos are an effective way to cater to different learning styles and allow students to revisit topics as needed.

6. 6. Virtual field trips: beyond classroom walls

Virtual field trips are a fantastic way to expose students to new experiences and places without leaving the classroom. Platforms like Google Earth and virtual tours offered by museums and historical sites provide immersive learning opportunities, enhancing students' understanding of various subjects.

7. Flipped Classroom Approach: empowering self-directed learning

The Flipped Classroom Approach is a teaching strategy that reverses the traditional instructional model. In this approach, teachers provide digital resources, such as pre-recorded video lectures or readings, for students to review before class. Class time is then used for discussions, group activities, and hands-on learning.

Several studies reveal that this model can improve the learning experience for students, making it more efficient. Specifically, benefits include improved student performance, increased motivation, participation, peer interaction, and creativity.

Captura de ecrã da tabela de pontuação criada para os Módulos de Matemática e Ciências
Scoreboard created for the Maths and Science Modules.

8. Online quizzes and assessments: real-time feedback

Online quizzes and assessments offer instant feedback on students' understanding. Platforms like Kahoot! and Quizlet turn assessments into interactive learning experiences. Teachers can use these tools to reinforce concepts and effectively monitor student progress. The same reasoning can be applied to educational games with immersive features that involve quizzes.

Integrating these ways of using digital tools into your teaching strategy can revolutionize your classroom and empower your students to become active and engaged learners. Seize the opportunities, adapt your strategies, and watch your classroom transform into a center of innovation and excellence.


  1. Alberola-Mulet, I., Iglesias-Martínez, M. J., & Lozano-Cabezas, I. (2021). Teachers’ beliefs about the role of digital educational resources in educational practice: A qualitative study. Education Sciences, 11(5), 239.

  2. Awidi, I. T., & Paynter, M. (2019). The impact of a flipped classroom approach on student learning experience. Computers & education, 128, 269-283.

  3. Tsai, M., Liao, Y., Chang, Y., & Chen, H. (2020). A brainstorming flipped classroom approach for improving students’ learning performance, motivation, teacher-student interaction and creativity in a civics education class. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38, 100747.

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